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VPN Comparison SD-WAN, VPN, MPLS, and WANs


In today’s digital age, businesses rely on efficient and secure networking solutions to connect their various locations and enable seamless communication. Two popular technologies used for this purpose are SD-WAN and VPN. In addition, MPLS and traditional WANs have also been widely used in the past. In this article, we will compare these four networking solutions in terms of security, cost, performance, and scalability, with a focus on VPN comparison.


Software-Defined Wide Area Network (SD-WAN) is an advanced networking technology that helps businesses efficiently manage their wide area networks. It allows organizations to seamlessly connect and oversee business applications, users, and data across multiple locations, even if they are in different countries or continents.

SD-WAN utilizes a range of WAN connections, such as broadband internet, LTE, MPLS, and 4G/5G, to route network traffic between locations. This ensures optimized communication between remote offices and enables efficient and reliable network connectivity.

SD-WAN applies software-defined networking (SDN) principles, including centralized network control and abstraction, to simplify network management. Centralized network control allows administrators to manage all aspects of the network from one location, making it easier to make configuration changes across all devices. Network abstraction simplifies complex network details and presents them in a user-friendly manner.

SD-WAN is particularly beneficial for organizations with multiple branch offices, remote locations, or distributed networks. It offers a flexible and scalable solution that can adapt to the changing needs of businesses.

SD-WANs vs. VPNs

SD-WAN and VPN are two distinct technologies that serve different purposes. While SD-WAN optimizes communication between different business locations, VPN provides secure access to a company’s internal resources from remote locations. Let’s compare SD-WAN and VPN in terms of security, cost, performance, and scalability, with a focus on VPN comparison.


Both SD-WAN and VPN offer security benefits to businesses, but they have different primary purposes.

A VPN is designed for security and encrypts all outbound traffic, making it unreadable to unauthorized parties. It provides secure remote access to the company network, ensuring privacy and protecting against data interception and eavesdropping.

While an SD-WAN is not primarily designed for network security, some SD-WAN solutions may include security features such as site-to-site VPN connections and encryption. Additionally, SD-WANs may offer integrated firewalls, traffic segmentation, threat detection, and mitigation.


The cost of SD-WAN and VPN solutions depends on various factors, including the size of the organization, the number of sites or users, and the chosen provider.

Generally, VPN pricing is more straightforward and cost-effective compared to SD-WAN. VPN offers a simpler service, while SD-WAN provides a more complex and comprehensive networking solution.

SD-WAN implementation can be done through a managed service provider (MSP) or in-house. In-house implementation involves significant upfront costs and ongoing costs for maintaining and replacing aging infrastructure.


When comparing the performance of SD-WAN and VPN, we can consider network speed, reliability, and user experience.

Network Speed: SD-WAN uses dynamic path selection to optimize network performance by intelligently and automatically choosing the most appropriate route. This results in excellent network speeds and improved application functionality, especially for cloud-based services. On the other hand, a VPN adds an extra layer of encryption to the data transmission process, which may slow down the connection. However, modern VPN applications are more efficient and should not significantly affect the speed.

Reliability: SD-WAN appliances use multiple network connections simultaneously, providing reliable network connectivity. If one connection fails or experiences issues, an SD-WAN automatically switches to another available connection to ensure uninterrupted network functionality. Similarly, modern VPNs use multiple connections simultaneously, offering better performance and reliability compared to older VPNs that rely on a single network link.

User Experience: SD-WAN technology optimizes network traffic, allocating bandwidth to prioritize critical applications and reduce network congestion. This ensures fast network speeds and improved application performance, resulting in a smoother user experience. VPN providers also strive to deliver the best user experience by offering intuitive interfaces, helpful features, and fast connection speeds.


SD-WAN is designed for large enterprises and offers flexibility to accommodate multiple branch locations, remote users, and cloud-based applications. It can dynamically handle increasing traffic and adapt to the changing needs of the business. The centralized management and streamlined processes of SD-WAN make it easy to add new sites and users, ensuring efficient network expansion without compromising performance.

While VPNs can also be tailored to the needs of growing businesses, they were not originally designed for large enterprises and do not offer as many benefits as SD-WAN in terms of scalability.


SD-WAN and MPLS (Multiprotocol Label Switching) are two distinct approaches to wide area networking. While SD-WAN utilizes software-defined technology, MPLS relies on physical connections to establish private networks.

Compared to SD-WAN, MPLS is a traditional technology that offers reliable, predictable, and secure data transmission. However, MPLS lacks the dynamic flexibility of SD-WAN, as it requires manual configurations.

MPLS is typically more expensive than SD-WAN due to the use of dedicated lines and higher operational costs. Overall, SD-WAN is a better choice for most modern businesses, offering more versatility and cost-effective networking solutions.

SD-WANs vs. WANs

SD-WAN and WAN (Wide Area Network) are both networking technologies used to connect businesses across multiple locations.

A WAN is a computer network that spans a large geographic area and connects local area networks (LAN) and other types of networks over a distance. WANs typically use leased lines or other communication technologies such as satellite links and wireless connections to transmit data over long distances.

While traditional WAN solutions were used in the past, SD-WAN was developed to address their limitations and meet the evolving needs of businesses. SD-WAN offers a more versatile and efficient approach to network management compared to traditional WANs.

SD-WAN adoption is rapidly growing as businesses become more mobile and remote work becomes more prevalent. Its flexibility and scalability make it an ideal solution for organizations with multiple branch offices, remote locations, or distributed networks.


In conclusion, SD-WAN, VPN, MPLS, and WANs are all viable networking solutions for businesses. When considering VPN comparison, organizations should carefully evaluate their specific needs and requirements in terms of security, cost, performance, and scalability. SD-WAN offers advanced network management capabilities and scalability, making it well-suited for large enterprises with multiple locations. VPNs provide secure remote access to internal resources and are cost-effective for businesses of all sizes. MPLS and traditional WANs offer reliable data transmission but lack the dynamic flexibility and cost-effectiveness of SD-WAN. By understanding the strengths and weaknesses of each solution, businesses can make informed decisions and choose the networking technology that best suits their needs.