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We Review the top Best VPNs

best fastest VPN reviews

Best Fastest VPN Reviews

Private Internet Access (PIA)

Private Internet Access (PIA) offers good privacy and unlimited simultaneous connections at an affordable price. However, its internet download speeds are underwhelming compared to other VPN providers. On average, PIA experiences a 49% loss in download speed, which is higher than the industry average of 20%.

For casual users with fast connections, such as fiber, PIA’s speed loss might not be a significant concern. However, if you’re looking for the fastest VPN option, there are better choices available. ExpressVPN has a speed loss of 24.8%, Surfshark 17%, and NordVPN an impressive 11%. PIA lags behind these providers in terms of speed.

PIA’s subscription plans are budget-friendly, with options for $12 per month, $40 per year, or $80 every three years. If speed loss is not a priority for you and you value affordability and privacy, PIA can still be a good choice.


IPVanish’s speeds vary greatly depending on the location and server you connect to. When connecting through OpenVPN from the US, we experienced a 58% speed loss. From Budapest, the speed loss was 19%. The Quick Connect feature didn’t always select the fastest server, resulting in inconsistent speeds.

While speeds within the US were more consistent, speeds to other locations fluctuated dramatically. For example, speeds to Europe ranged from 40 Mbps to 317 Mbps. Manually selecting servers and connecting via OpenVPN provided faster and more consistent speeds.

IPVanish’s WireGuard speeds were better, with an average speed loss of only 14.5%. However, the inconsistent nature of IPVanish’s speeds and unreliable Quick Connect performance make it fall short of the fastest VPN options.

IPVanish’s pricing is on the expensive side, with options for $13 per month, $54 for the first year (then $90 annually), or $80 for the first two years combined (then $90 annually).

Proton VPN

Proton VPN offers the most inconsistent speeds among the VPNs we tested. Regardless of the protocol or testing location, we experienced significant peaks and valleys in speed. In a single round of testing, speeds ranged from 3 Mbps to 328 Mbps. Overall, Proton VPN averaged a 36% speed loss, which is not exceptional.

If you’re looking for a VPN that consistently delivers fast speeds, Proton VPN may not be the best choice. Its speeds are highly variable and do not meet the standards of the fastest VPN providers.

Proton VPN’s pricing is middle of the road, with options for $10 per month, $72 per year, or $120 every two years.

In summary, while PIA offers good privacy and affordability, its speeds fall short compared to the fastest VPN providers. IPVanish has inconsistent speeds and an unreliable Quick Connect feature. Proton VPN has highly variable speeds and does not consistently deliver fast performance. If speed is your top priority, consider alternatives like ExpressVPN, Surfshark, or NordVPN.