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VPN vs NordVPN

VPN vs NordVPN A Comparison of Free and Paid VPN Services


In the world of online security and privacy, VPNs have become an essential tool for many internet users. VPNs, or Virtual Private Networks, allow users to create a secure and encrypted connection to the internet, protecting their data and online activities from prying eyes. While there are both free and paid VPN services available, it is important to understand the differences between the two and the potential risks associated with using a free VPN.

Free VPNs: How Do They Make Money?

Free VPN services offer their services without charging a monthly or yearly subscription fee. But if the service is free, how do these VPN companies survive, let alone make money?

A VPN service relies on a vast network of thousands of servers that need to be continually maintained. Operating this type of infrastructure requires a significant amount of money and resources. So, how do free VPNs manage to cover these costs?

Tracking and Selling Your Browsing Data

One of the main ways free VPNs make money is by selling your personal data to data brokerage companies. These companies buy user data to learn more about their shopping habits, preferences, and tastes, which helps them make their advertising campaigns more effective. The information that free VPNs sell may include details about the websites you visit, your online purchases, the duration of your online sessions, and the type of device you use.

Bombarding You with Ads

Displaying ads is another popular strategy used by free VPN services to generate revenue. The VPN provider gets paid whenever a user clicks on an ad. If a company has millions of users, this advertising strategy can be enough to sustain the business. However, constantly being bombarded with ads can be annoying, and some ads may even be malicious and infect your device with malware.

Pushing You to Upgrade to a Paid Version

To encourage users to upgrade to their paid service, some free VPNs offer limited features and set restrictive data caps. They do this to pressure customers into paying for a subscription. While it is recommended to have a VPN enabled on your device at all times for maximum security, you may quickly run out of “free” data with a free VPN and be forced to upgrade or only use the VPN occasionally.

Drawbacks of Free VPNs

While the idea of using a free VPN may be tempting, there are several drawbacks and risks associated with these services:

Poor Security

Free VPN providers often lack a robust server infrastructure, which can result in weak security and encryption. Choosing a VPN with top-notch encryption is crucial for ensuring your online safety. Without strong encryption, your data may be vulnerable to hackers and other malicious individuals.

Limited Performance

Free VPNs typically do not offer the latest cybersecurity features and may have slower connection speeds. This can make streaming and online activities unreliable and frustrating. Opting for a paid VPN service ensures better speeds, advanced features, and a smoother online experience.

Lack of Privacy

While VPNs are meant to protect your privacy by hiding your IP address, free VPNs often sell your data to third parties. This compromises your privacy and defeats the purpose of using a VPN in the first place.

Paid VPN providers charge users for their services, allowing them to invest in their infrastructure, introduce new features, and provide the best user experience. Here are some reasons why paid VPNs are better than their free counterparts:

Extensive Server Network

Paid VPNs, like NordVPN, operate a large network of servers in numerous countries. This ensures the best speed and performance for users worldwide. Additionally, paid VPNs often offer specialized servers for different purposes, such as accessing information in countries with severe internet restrictions or for extra security when browsing the dark web.

Strong Privacy

Unlike free VPNs, paid VPNs like NordVPN do not log your online activity or sell your data to third parties. They prioritize user privacy and take steps to ensure that your browsing data remains private and secure.

Top-Notch Encryption

Paid VPNs use strong encryption protocols to protect your data. For example, NordVPN uses AES 256-bit encryption, which scrambles your data and makes it unreadable to anyone trying to intercept it.

Additional Features

Paid VPNs often come with additional features that enhance your online security and privacy. These features may include a VPN Kill Switch to ensure your data is never exposed, DNS and IP leak protection, and dedicated IP addresses for added privacy.

Access to Restricted Services

Paid VPNs are more likely to bypass heavy internet restrictions imposed by countries like China, Iran, and Russia. They continue working to overcome these restrictions and provide users with more internet freedom without compromising security.

Simultaneous Connections

Paid VPNs typically allow you to connect multiple devices to the VPN simultaneously. For example, NordVPN allows up to six simultaneous connections, allowing you to protect your smartphone, tablet, laptop, and other devices with a single subscription.


While free VPNs may seem appealing, using them can pose risks to your online security and privacy. Free VPN providers have to find alternative ways to generate revenue, often at the expense of selling user data or bombarding users with ads. On the other hand, paid VPNs like NordVPN offer stronger security, better performance, and additional features to enhance your online experience. Investing in a paid VPN service is a wise decision to ensure your online safety and privacy.