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Secure VPN Reviews


When it comes to choosing a VPN service, security should be your top priority. Free VPNs may seem like an attractive option, but they come with several risks and limitations. In this article, we will discuss why free VPNs are not as safe as paid options and why it’s worth investing in a secure VPN service.

Free VPNs are not as safe

Free VPNs may seem like a cost-effective solution, but they often come with hidden costs. To maintain their networks and ensure user privacy, VPN services require expensive infrastructure and expertise. Free VPN providers often compensate for these costs by collecting and selling user data.

According to independent investigations, a significant number of free VPN apps have unacceptable privacy policies. In fact, 86% of free iOS and Android VPN apps were found to have privacy issues, such as lack of transparency or sharing user data with third parties. Additionally, many free VPNs lack a web presence and have poor customer support.

Despite efforts by platforms like Apple to crack down on data-sharing apps, the number of potentially unsafe free VPN apps continues to rise. In 2021, 77% of apps were flagged as potentially unsafe, and 90% of those flagged as potentially unsafe still posed a risk.

Free VPNs can expose you to malware

One of the biggest risks of using a free VPN is the potential for malware infections. A study found that 38% of free Android VPNs contain malware. Even highly-rated apps with millions of downloads can be infected. This means that if you are using a free VPN, you have a greater than 1 in 3 chance of encountering malware.

Mobile ransomware attacks are on the rise, with a significant increase in instances detected in recent years. Malware can also steal passwords and other sensitive information, putting your online security at risk.

It’s important to consider the potential consequences of using a free VPN. Is it worth the risk of having your bank account login and Social Security number stolen? A secure VPN service, which typically costs around $100 a year, is a small price to pay compared to the potential fallout from identity theft.

The dangers of aggressive advertising

Free VPNs often rely on aggressive advertising practices to generate revenue. While annoying pop-ups and ads may seem harmless, some VPNs go beyond that and use ad-serving trackers to collect and sell user data. These trackers can follow your online activities, compromising your privacy.

HotSpot Shield VPN, for example, faced allegations of privacy violations in serving ads. They were found to have a backdoor that allowed them to sell user data to third-party advertising networks. Additionally, they employed multiple tracking libraries and redirected user traffic to secret servers.

While some VPN providers have improved their practices, many free VPN apps still disregard users’ preferences regarding ad-tracking. A study found that only 15% of free VPN apps respected iOS users’ choices when they declined voluntary ad-tracking. This lack of respect for user preferences is a significant concern when it comes to privacy and security.

Buffering issues and limited server options

One of the main reasons people use VPNs is to access geo-blocked content from streaming services like Hulu, HBO, and Netflix. However, free VPNs often suffer from slow speeds and limited server options, making it difficult to stream content smoothly.

Some free VPNs even sell users’ bandwidth, potentially making you liable for any illegal activities performed using your connection. Hola VPN, for example, was caught stealing users’ bandwidth and selling it to third parties. This not only slows down your internet connection but also exposes you to legal risks.

Moreover, free VPNs typically have fewer server options compared to paid services. This means your traffic is more likely to bounce around overcrowded servers, resulting in slower speeds. Additionally, streaming services are becoming more adept at blocking IP addresses associated with free VPNs, making it difficult to access paid content.

The good news is that there are many reliable VPN services available on the market that offer a range of features to suit your needs and budget. By investing in a paid VPN service, you can enjoy better security, faster speeds, and more server options.

When choosing a VPN service, it’s important to consider factors such as encryption protocols, server locations, and customer support. Reading secure VPN reviews can help you make an informed decision and find the right VPN for your needs.

At, we provide comprehensive reviews and ratings of various VPN services. Our reviews cover the key features, pricing, and performance of each VPN, helping you choose the best option for your specific requirements.


While free VPNs may seem like an attractive option, they come with significant risks and limitations. From privacy issues and malware infections to aggressive advertising and slow speeds, free VPNs simply cannot provide the same level of security and performance as paid options.

Investing in a secure VPN service is a small price to pay for the peace of mind and online privacy it offers. With numerous reliable VPN providers available, it’s worth considering the benefits of a paid VPN service. By reading secure VPN reviews and comparing different options, you can find the best VPN service for your needs and enjoy a safer and more secure online experience.