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best secure VPN reviews

Best Secure VPN Reviews


In the world of VPN providers, it’s important to find one that offers the best features, usability, security, and value for money. At, our team of experts thoroughly tests each service to provide you with reliable and unbiased reviews. In this article, we will be reviewing, a VPN provider that has raised some concerns during our testing. Review is a VPN provider that we have been unable to test due to login issues with the client. Furthermore, the site’s SSL certificate has expired, which raises serious security concerns. In this review, we will discuss our experience with and why we recommend avoiding it.

Testing Difficulties

We attempted to log into the client for testing purposes, but were unable to do so. This prevented us from evaluating the service’s features, usability, and security. Additionally, we discovered that the site’s SSL certificate had expired, which further compounded our concerns about the provider.

Google Play Store Reviews

To gather more information about, we decided to check the reviews in the Google Play store before installing the app on an Android phone. We found numerous enthusiastic reviews, many of which had suspicious wording that is often associated with fake reviews. However, we also came across several one-star reviews that mirrored our own experience with the service.

Company Information

During our investigation, we delved into the company behind We found that the replies to the reviews were made by a company called Webzilla Apps, which shares a company address with is owned by XBT Holding, a company that specializes in deploying servers worldwide. Although we did not find much information about the corporate web surrounding, we suspect there may be some Russian connection due to advertising itself as the gateway to Russia.

If you have any additional information about this corporate web, please let us know. Our contact details can be found on our about page.

Original Review

Despite our efforts to thoroughly test, we were unable to access the client and evaluate its features. The expired SSL certificate on the site further raised our concerns about the provider’s security.

The Importance of Choosing the Right VPN

At, we strive to be fair in our reviews by evaluating both the best and worst VPN providers on the market. Not every VPN is worth investing in, as some may have design flaws, poor customer service, or may even be scams.

In the case of, we found it to fall into the latter two categories. Our attempts to test the service were met with login issues, making it impossible to assess its performance. This raises concerns about the legitimacy and functionality of the provider. Scam or Defunct? either appears to be a scam or a defunct service. In either case, it is strongly advised not to invest any money in this VPN provider. The login issues and lack of functionality suggest that is not a reliable option for protecting your online privacy.

Site Examination

Upon closer examination of the site, we noticed that the SSL certificate had expired. This is a major red flag, as it indicates a lack of attention to security measures. Navigating past the security error, we found a fairly basic website layout. Our login details worked on the website itself, but we were greeted with a blank slate upon logging in.

Windows Client Testing

To test the service, we proceeded to download the Windows client. The installation process was quick, and at first glance, the client appeared to be functional, albeit with a simplistic design. However, we soon encountered a major issue – there was no way to log in and use the client.

The client lacked a settings area, login menus, and any other features that would allow for a proper VPN experience. Instead, it only offered a list of five servers, an upgrade link, and a connect button. Even on the supposedly free plan, the client failed to work properly, reverting to the “connect” state after a short connection attempt without providing any error messages.


In conclusion, is a VPN provider that is best avoided. The combination of login issues, an expired SSL certificate, and a lack of functionality in the client suggests that this service is either a scam or defunct. We recommend looking for a provider that offers a reliable and secure VPN experience, such as ExpressVPN or NordVPN.

Remember, when choosing a VPN, it’s crucial to prioritize security, usability, and value for money. Always consult trustworthy reviews, like those provided by, to ensure you make an informed decision and protect your online privacy effectively.