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TorGuard VPN reviews

TorGuard VPN Reviews

TorGuard VPN is a popular VPN service that offers a range of features to protect your online privacy and security. In this article, we will review the TorGuard VPN app, focusing on its user-friendliness, whitelist feature, and server selection options.

User-friendliness of the TorGuard VPN App

The TorGuard VPN desktop app has received mixed reviews when it comes to user-friendliness. Some users find the graphical design to be weak, while others have experienced performance issues such as stuttering during use. In some cases, the app even crashed when an invalid password was entered during login. These issues can be frustrating for users and may impact their overall experience with the app.

On the other hand, the mobile app version of TorGuard VPN is considered to be more successful in terms of user-friendliness. It has a cleaner design and runs smoothly on smartphones without any major issues.

Whitelisting Feature

Whitelisting is a feature that allows users to specify certain apps, websites, or IP addresses that can bypass the VPN and connect directly to the internet. This can be useful for applications or websites that require a direct connection for optimal performance.

According to our research, whitelisting is supported by 52% of the VPNs that we reviewed. TorGuard VPN is one of the VPNs that offers this feature, allowing users to whitelist specific apps or websites.

Server Selection Options

When it comes to server selection, TorGuard VPN provides a list of servers rather than a world map with marked locations. This list can be filtered by continent, and users can save their favorite servers for easy access.

While some users may prefer a visual representation of server locations on a map, the list format can still be convenient for those who know the specific server they want to connect to.

Additional Features and Settings

The TorGuard VPN app offers a wide range of individual settings, which can be overwhelming for the average user. However, advanced users may appreciate the ability to load custom scripts into the settings, allowing for greater customization and control.

One notable feature missing from the app is the option to switch between light and dark modes. While this may not be a crucial feature for everyone, it can enhance the user experience for those who prefer a specific theme.

Subscription Management and Device Limitations

Managing your TorGuard VPN subscription and add-on purchases can be done through the TorGuard VPN website. The website provides comprehensive account settings and individual options to customize your VPN experience.

However, one limitation we found is the absence of a list of connected devices. TorGuard VPN can only be used on up to 8 devices simultaneously. To bypass this limit, users can install the VPN on their router, which is treated as a single device in terms of available quota. This allows for all devices connected to the same network to be protected.

Automatic Connection and Split Tunneling

The TorGuard VPN app allows users to set up automatic connections when their device boots up or when connected to a public Wi-Fi network. This can be convenient for users who want their VPN to be activated automatically under specific circumstances.

However, one feature missing from the TorGuard VPN app is the ability to automatically select the fastest server for maximum connection speed. Users can manually sort the list of servers by distance from their actual location and connect to the closest one.

Split tunneling, a feature that allows users to choose which apps will connect to the internet without a VPN, is only available in the TorGuard VPN app for Android devices. This can be useful for users who want certain apps to bypass the VPN for various reasons.


In conclusion, the TorGuard VPN app offers a range of features and settings that cater to both average and advanced users. While the desktop app may have some design and performance issues, the mobile app version is more successful in terms of user-friendliness.

The whitelist feature, server selection options, and automatic connection settings provide users with flexibility and control over their VPN experience. However, the absence of certain features such as automatic server selection and split tunneling on all platforms may be a drawback for some users.

Overall, TorGuard VPN is a reliable VPN service that can help protect your online privacy and security. It is important to consider your specific needs and preferences when choosing a VPN, and TorGuard VPN may be worth considering based on your requirements.

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