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We Review the top Best VPNs

VPN reviews

VPN Reviews


When it comes to VPN apps, AVG offers a user-friendly and visually appealing experience. Their apps are easy to download and install, with a colorful layout that is pleasant to look at. However, there are some limitations in terms of customization options, and the macOS and iOS apps are not as advanced as their Windows and Android counterparts. Additionally, we encountered bugs during the installation and use of the apps. In this article, we will provide a detailed review of AVG’s VPN on different platforms.

Desktop & Laptop (macOS & Windows)

AVG’s VPN app for Windows is more advanced and customizable compared to the macOS version. It includes WireGuard in its protocol selection, which is considered the best protocol available. The app also offers a Startup option, allowing the VPN to turn on automatically with your computer. Additionally, there is an option to enable prompts for VPN activation when connected to the internet.

Both the Windows and macOS apps have a list of servers specifically optimized for streaming and torrenting. While it would be preferable for all servers to work for these purposes, the optimized servers can be a helpful way to avoid trial and error. However, our tests have shown that these servers are not effective for most streaming sites, except for US Netflix and BBC iPlayer.

Unfortunately, we encountered random app crashes and bugs during our testing. The AVG VPN free trial was not installable on macOS, and we experienced issues with the app after extended use.

On a positive note, AVG has included 20 language options on Windows, making the app more accessible for users who prefer languages other than English.

Mobile (iOS & Android)

AVG’s iOS and Android apps have a similar appearance, but there are some notable differences in functionality.

The Android app consists of three main windows: a home screen with a connect button, a server list, and a settings menu. Each setting feature includes an explanation of its function, which is helpful for users who are new to VPNs.

In terms of customization, the Android app offers the most options. It is the only app that includes split tunneling, the WireGuard protocol, and a manual kill switch. Additionally, it features a Wi-Fi Threat Shield, which automatically activates the VPN when connecting to suspicious public Wi-Fi networks.

On the other hand, the iOS app has limited customization options. Users can only adjust the security protocol and toggle the Auto Connect feature. The WireGuard option is not available, and we noticed that the listed torrenting servers are not present on iOS. Overall, the iOS app is more stripped back and lacks advanced features.

In conclusion, AVG’s VPN apps provide a user-friendly experience with a visually appealing interface. However, there are limitations in terms of customization options, and the Windows and Android versions are more advanced compared to the macOS and iOS apps. We also encountered bugs during the installation and use of the apps. Despite these drawbacks, AVG’s VPN does offer some useful features such as optimized servers for streaming and torrenting.